....How MAINTelligence™ Is Advancing Asset Performance Around the World..Cum imbunatateste MAINTelligence™ performanta activelor la nivel global....

....The ultimate Enterprise Asset Performance Management System is the culmination of the right tools, precise methods, and motivated people to create and implement the EAPM solutions. Design Maintenance Systems Inc. (DMSI) created MAINTelligence™ to be that total asset health system solution: versatile, mobile, intuitive and powerful. Its open connectivity allows for seamless integration possibilities, coupled with DMSI’s exceptional client services, have established it as a global provider that helps deliver asset health to positively affect each one of our client’s bottom lines. ..Versiunea recenta a Managementului Performantei Activelor combina cele mai adecvate instrumente, metode, resurse formate in implementarea unei solutii de EAPM. Compania Design Maintenance Systems Inc. (DMSI) a dezvoltat platforma MAINTelligenceTM ca o solutie completa de monitorizare a functionalitatii activelor: versatila, mobila, intuitiva si puternica. Modul de conectare cu alte sisteme ofera posibilitati de integrare fara egal. Impreuna cu serviciile exceptionale oferite clientilor DMSI, l-au stabilit ca un furnizor global ce ajuta la pastrarea starii de sanatate a activelor in vederea realizarii celor mai ambitioase planuri de catre clientii nostri. ....

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