Oportunitati angajare studenti ani terminali si masteranzi

LUDAN ENGINEERING, companie ce ofera servicii de proiectare si inginerie multidisciplinara pentru industria de proces, ofera oportunitati de angajare pentru studentii aflati in ani terminali si/sau masteranzi.

Specializarile pe care le cautam sunt: inginerie mecanica, inginerie chimica, inginerie electrica / automatizari, inginerie energetica.

Ce oferim:

  • Program flexibil, adaptabil in functie de nevoile studentului/masterandului;

  • Traininguri si oportunitati de dezvoltare profesionala;

  • Abonament medical la o clinica privata;

  • Vei desfasura activitati de Proiectare de baza in diferite software-uri de specialitate precum AUTOCAD, BENTLEY, ASPEN, TEKLA, GRAYTECH, EPLAN, etc.


  • Student aflat in ani terminali si/sau masterand;

  • Limba engleza - nivel mediu;

  • Cunostinte medii pachet Microsoft Office;

  • Cunoasterea unui software de proiectare reprezinta un avantaj.

CV-urile se pot trimite la adresele office@ludan.ro / dragos.popescu@ludan.ro .



The company offers comprehensive solutions and engineering services for a wide range of complex projects, using in-house environmental technologies specializing in groundwater and industrial wastewater treatment, soil remediation and gas emissions. Ludan enables companies from a variety of industries including Oil & Gas, Refining, Chemical, Food & Agrochemical high performance, meeting time and budget goals. www.ludan.ro

WFI offers comprehensive water treatment and reuse solutions via four business units providing a range of proven and proprietary cutting-edge technologies for drinking, industrial and agricultural water sources and purposes. Our deeply committed and experienced team with genuine care and drive, helps people, communities and industries gain affordable, clean water while enhancing sustainability and improving public health. www.wfi-group.net

....How MAINTelligence™ Is Advancing Asset Performance Around the World..Cum imbunatateste MAINTelligence™ performanta activelor la nivel global....

....The ultimate Enterprise Asset Performance Management System is the culmination of the right tools, precise methods, and motivated people to create and implement the EAPM solutions. Design Maintenance Systems Inc. (DMSI) created MAINTelligence™ to be that total asset health system solution: versatile, mobile, intuitive and powerful. Its open connectivity allows for seamless integration possibilities, coupled with DMSI’s exceptional client services, have established it as a global provider that helps deliver asset health to positively affect each one of our client’s bottom lines. ..Versiunea recenta a Managementului Performantei Activelor combina cele mai adecvate instrumente, metode, resurse formate in implementarea unei solutii de EAPM. Compania Design Maintenance Systems Inc. (DMSI) a dezvoltat platforma MAINTelligenceTM ca o solutie completa de monitorizare a functionalitatii activelor: versatila, mobila, intuitiva si puternica. Modul de conectare cu alte sisteme ofera posibilitati de integrare fara egal. Impreuna cu serviciile exceptionale oferite clientilor DMSI, l-au stabilit ca un furnizor global ce ajuta la pastrarea starii de sanatate a activelor in vederea realizarii celor mai ambitioase planuri de catre clientii nostri. ....

....The complete article can be downloaded from here..Articolul complet poate fi downloadat de aici.... RO / EN

....Ultrasonic Inspection..Inspectia ultrasonica....

....It is recognized that predictive technologies compete to provide performance in industrial environments, and an important role is provided by ultrasonic inspection. Of course, the subject is vast, and in the following article, we will briefly review the advantages of the ultrasonic inspection and, for any other requests related to the subject, we will provide all the necessary information. ..Este recunoscut faptul ca tehnologiile predictive concura la asigurarea performantei in mediile industriale, iar un rol important este asigurat de inspectia ultrasonica. Desigur, subiectul este vast si, in cele de fata, vom trece in revista pe scurt avantajele inspectiei ultrasonice, si, pentru orice alte solicitari referitoare la subiect, se vor oferi toate informatiile necesare. ....

....The complete article can be downloaded from here..Articolul complet poate fi downloadat de aici. ....

....The "Fuel Oil Processing Plant" project in Dzerzhinsk wast transferred to the state expertise..Proiectul din Dzerzhinsk transmis catre autoritati in vederea expertizarii....

....Local media reported that JSC SPE "Makston-Dzerzhinsk" handed over to state expertise the  project of the plant for processing of heavy oil residues in Dzerzhinsk (Nizhny Novgorod region). ..Presa locala a raportat ca JSC SPE "Makston-Dzerzhinsk" a predat expertizei de stat proiectul instalatiei pentru prelucrarea reziduurilor de petrol greu din Dzerjinsk (regiunea Nizhny Novgorod). ....

....Recall that the agreement on the project was signed in September 2017. It is expected that by 2019 the company will invest 5 billion rubles in the construction of a plant for the processing of heavy oil residues. The plant will produce special coke for the metallurgical, nuclear and electrode industries. ..Reamintim ca acordul privind proiectul a fost semnat in septembrie 2017. Este de asteptat ca pâna in 2019 compania sa investeasca 5 miliarde de ruble in constructia unei instalatii pentru prelucrarea reziduurilor de titei greu. Fabrica va produce cocs special pentru industria metalurgica, nucleara si a electrozilor. ....

....The capacity of the new plant will be 200 thousand tons per year for raw materials. The production facilities will include steam reforming units, delayed coking, gas fractionation, heavy naphtha hydrotreatment and coking diesel, desulphurization of gases, demercaptanization of light naphtha, plant facilities. ..Capacitatea noii fabrici va fi de 200 mii tone pe an pentru materiile prime. Facilitatile de productie vor include unitatile de reformare a aburului, cocsificare intârziata, fractionarea gazelor, hidrotratare nafta si cocsificare diesel, desulfurarea gazelor, demercaptanizarea naftei usoare, si diferite alte facilitati. ....

....Production technologies and basic projects were developed by the Romanian branches of LUDAN Group and GTC companies on the basis of the packages of project documentation of similar installations operated by Eastern Europe. ..Tehnologiile de productie si proiectarea de baza au fost elaborate de sucursalele din Romania ale companiilor LUDAN Group si GTC pe baza pachetelor de documentatie ale proiectelor elaborate pentru instalatii similare operate in Europa de Est. ....

....It is assumed that the plant will be able to completely process the incoming fuel oil of primary and secondary processes, as well as heavy residual hydrocarbons of other processes of oil refining, petrochemistry and coal chemistry. The plant's products will be diesel fuel and motor gasoline of the fifth ecological class (raw materials for reforming or pyrolysis), granulated sulfur and petroleum coke. Production of dark oil products is not planned. The Nelson index will be 7.2. ..Se presupune ca instalatia va fi capabila sa proceseze complet produsele petrolere provenite din procesele primare si secundare, precum si hidrocarburile reziduale grele ale altor procese de rafinare a petrolului, petrochimie si producerea carbunelui. Produsele obtinute in aceasta fabrica vor fi benina si motorina din clasa a cincea ecologica (materii prime pentru reformare sau piroliza), sulf granulat si cocs de petrol. Nu este planificata productia de produse petroliere precum pacura. Indicele Nelson va fi de 7,2. ....

....The general designer is OOO "Ludan Rus" (part of the LUDAN Group), the company will also carry out design work, prepare a project for a process control system. Development of the master plan and project documentation is carried out by OAO GIPROIV. He is also responsible for the maintenance of equipment supplies. ..Proiectantul general este OOO "Ludan Rusia" (parte a grupului LUDAN), compania va realiza, de asemenea, lucrari de proiectare si va pregati un proiect pentru sistemul de control al proceselor. Elaborarea planului general si a documentatiei de proiect este realizata de OAO GIPROIV. OAO GIPROIV, este de asemenea, responsabila pentru mentenanta echipamentului furnizat. ....

....Original article can be found here..Articolul original poate fi gasit aici

....Photo from the site..fotografie preluata de la....: https://news.sputnik.ru

....Photo from the site..fotografie preluata de la....: https://news.sputnik.ru

....Oil mist lubrication..Lubrifierea cu ceata de ulei....

....Oil mist lubrication is a proven and environmentally clean technology for the lubrication of rotating equipment in process industries. What is oil mist and how is it generated? Where oil mist is currently applied? What are the advantages of oil mist lubrication?..Este bine cunoscut faptul ca lubrifierea este o componenta care contribuie decisiv la asigurarea fiabilitatii echipamentelor dinamice, iar una dintre solutiile eficiente o reprezinta lubrifierea cu ceata de ulei. Dar cum se produce ceata de ulei si cum functioneaza un astfel de sistem?....

....Download document here..Documentul se poate downloada de aici....

....Successful EPCM project for a New Grain Terminal for CHIMPEX in Constanta harbor, Romania..Proiect EPCM de success “Terminal de grane 200000 mt” Constanta port, beneficiar CHIMPEX / AMEROPA. ....

....Chimpex, an Ameropa subsidiary based in Constanta Romania build a new grain terminal. The new state-of-the-art terminal has an operating capacity of over 3.5 million tons of grains per year (wheat, barley, corn, rapeseed, sunflower, etc.) and will allow simultaneous unloading from trains, trucks, barges and loading to PANAMAX vessels up to 63,000 tons. The terminal has a storage capacity of 200,000 tonnes on 20 vertical cells, can receive cargo by barge 400 Mt/h, rail 400 Mt/h, truck 2x 400 Mt/h, and has a vessel loading rate of 2 x 800 tonnes per hour. ..Chimpex, parte a grupului Ameropa a construit un nou terminal de cereal in Constanta Roamania. Noul terminal este unul de ultima generatie si are o capacitate de functionare de peste 3,5 milioane de tone de cereale pe an (grâu, orz, porumb, rapita, floarea-soarelui etc.), permitand descarcarea simultana de la trenuri, camioane, barje si incarcare la navele PANAMAX de pâna la 63.000 de tone. Terminalul are o capacitate de stocare de 200.000 de tone in 20 de celule verticale, poate primi incarcatura cu barja 400 Mt / h, feroviar 400 Mt / h, camion 2 x 400 Mt / h si are o rata de incarcare a navelor de 2 x 800 tone pe ora. ....

....This terminal provides best-in-class services to its customers, protect the environment, ensure a safe working environment for its employees and boasts lots of modern technology and automation. ..Acest terminal ofera clientilor cele mai bune servicii de pe piata, protejeaza mediul, asigura un mediu de lucru sigur pentru angajatii sai si dispune de o multime de tehnologii moderne si de automatizare. ....

....LUDAN Engineering SRL, has successfully carried out the Engineering, Procurement and Construction Management (EPCM) project. By executing this technically challenging project, our engineers have even further strengthened the know-how for agro sector putting us in the pole position amongst the Eastern European Companies serving the process industry. ..LUDAN Engineering SRL, a realizat cu succes patea de Inginerie, Achizitii si Management al lucrarilor de constructii (EPCM). Prin realizarea acestui proiect provocator din punct de vedere tehnic, inginerii nostri au consolidat si mai mult know-how-ul pentru sectorul agroalimentar, plasându-ne pe o pozitie fruntasa l in rândul companiilor din Europa de Est care deservesc industria prelucratoare. ....

2017 Emerson Global Users Exchange Americas

....Ludan Team will participate to 2017 Emerson Global Users Exchange Americas conference, that will be held on October 2 - 6, 2017 at the Minneapolis Convention Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota. ..Echipa Ludan va participa la conferinta “2017 Emerson Global Exchange Exchange Americas”, care va avea loc in perioada 2 - 6 octombrie 2017 la “Minneapolis Convention Center” din Minneapolis, Minnesota. .... 

....During the conference our colleagues Mr. Ion Paidiu and Mrs. Lucia Giurascu will sustain a presentation related to "Automating Fertilizer Crystallization Process using Remote I/O and Delta V batch-like Logic"..In cadrul conferintei, colegii nostri dl Ion Paidiu si doamna Lucia Giurascu vor sustine o prezentare referitoare la "Automatizarea procesului tehnologic de cristalizare a fertilizantilor folosind Remote I/O si Delta V batch-like Logic".... 

....Advances in Process Control. A veteran practitioner’s opinions - by Radu Iscovici..Progrese in controlul proceselor. Opiniile unui veteran practicant - de Radu Iscovici....

....Production facilities in heavy process industries like oil and gas extraction, oil refining, petrochemical, basic chemical production,metallurgy etc.are monitored and controlled by modern Distributed Control Systems-DCS. ..Instalatiile de productie din industria grea, cum ar fi extractia de petrol si gaze, rafinarea petrolului, petrochimia, productia chimica de baza, metalurgia etc. sunt monitorizate si controlate de sistemele moderne de distributie control-DCS. ....

....These process control systems have hundreds and sometimes even thousands of control loops. ..Aceste sisteme de control al procesului au sute si chiar mii de bucle de control. ....

....The process is visualized by operators on workstation displays. Have their own displays on engineering stations.  They use them to choose the suitable control algorithm equation for the target loop. Control loop tuning parameters are readily accessed and can be changed instantly. The effect of these changes can be monitored in real-time and adjustments made if necessary. Apparently the situation is very good. However, new complex issues appear. ..Procesul este vizualizat de operatori pe ecranele statiilor de lucru, inginerii avand propriile ecrane pe statiile de inginerie. Ei le folosesc pentru a alege ecuatia adecvata algoritmului de control pentru bucla tinta. Parametrii de reglare a buclei de control sunt usor accesibili si pot fi modificati instantaneu. Efectul acestor modificari poate fi monitorizat in timp real si daca este necesar facute ajustari. Aparent, situatia este foarte buna. Cu toate acestea, apar noi probleme complexe. ....


....Many problems plaguing good process control have their roots in measuring sensors and final control elements (FCE-valves, motors, dampers etc.) misbehavior, even though much progress was recorded in this area. ..Multe probleme care afecteaza un proces de control bun isi au radacinile in proasta functionare a instrumentelor de masura si a elementelor de control finale (ventile de control motoare, clapeti etc.), chiar daca s-au inregistrat multe progrese in acest domeniu. ....

....Two remarks:..Doua observatii....

  • ....The large amount of more or less sophisticated control schemes and control algorithm equations, and their parameters and constants make their selection quite difficult without proper knowledge and/or matching tools. ..Cantitatea mare de scheme de control mai mult sau mai putin sophisticate si ecuatiile algoritmilor de control, precum si parametrii si constantele acestora fac ca selectia lor sa fie destul de dificila fara cunostiinte adecvate si / sau instrumente potrivite. ....
  • ....The DCS is more than a control platform. It has the capability to supply an impressive amount of information about the industrial process state and also the equipment state including measuring devices and final control elements. ..DCS-ul este mai mult decat o platforma de control. Acesta are capacitatea de a furniza o cantitate impresionanta de informatii despre starea procesului industrial si despre starea echipamentului, incluzand dispozitive de masurare si elemente de control finale. ....

....The issue evolved from an historical lack of information into a flood of data. These data must be collected, processed, configured and prioritized in order to be transformed into useful information for the potential information clients: operations engineers, process engineers, maintenance specialists and management. ..Problemele au evoluat de la o lipsa istorica a informatiilor relevante la un aflux enorm de date. Aceste date trebuie sa fie colectate, prelucrate, configurate si prioritizate pentru a fi transformate in informatii utile pentru consumatorii potentiali de informare: ingineri operatori, ingineri de proces, specialisti in mentenanta si management. ....

....To add to the above issues, the process control personnel was dramatically reduced in most industries all over the world, either by outsourcing jobs, or by promoting specialist to higher managerial positions. Newcomers entering the area do not possess the necessary knowledge, experience and cannot acquire them due to lack of mentoring. ..Pentru a mai adauga si mai multe  probleme la cele de mai sus, personalul responsabil cu partea de control al proceselor a fost dramatic redus in majoritatea industriilor la nivel global, fie prin externalizarea locurilor de munca, fie prin promovarea specialistilor in functii de conducere superioare. Noii veniti care intra in domeniu nu poseda cunostintele si experienta necesara si nici nu le pot dobandi din cauza lipsei indrumarii unor mentori. ....


....Fortunately, there are solutions to the issues mentioned above. Last generation software tools are developed and constantly improved based on the IT rapid progress  but, more important, on embedding the experts knowledge and experience in the area of process control. ..Din fericire, exista solutii la problemele mentionate mai sus. Instrumentele software de ultima generatie sunt dezvoltate si imbunatatite in mod constant pe baza progresului rapid al tehnologiilor informationale, dar, mai important, prin includerea cunostintelor si experientei specialistilor in domeniul controlului proceselor. ....

....These tools help operations engineers solve quickly control loops issues resulting from inherent industrial process varying conditions. Also, these tools diagnose the status of sensors and FCEs and predict possible failures which is valuable information for maintenance technicians. ..Aceste instrumente ajuta inginerii operatori sa rezolve rapid problemele legate de buclele de control care rezulta din variatiile inerente ale conditiilor proceselor industriale. De asemenea, aceste instrumente detecteaza starea instrumentelor de masura si a elementelor finale de control prezicand eventualele defectiuni, cee ace reprezinta informatii valoroase pentru tehnicienii responsabili de mentenanta. ....

....Moreover, a process control training course was developed using these software tools. The course utilizes a practical, hands-on approach. No theoretical backgroundor high-level mathematical knowledge needed. ..Mai mult, a fost dezvoltat un curs de pregatire pentru controlul proceselor folosind aceste instrumente software. Cursul foloseste o abordare practica, nefiind nevoie de cunostinte teoretice  sau de matematici superioare. ....

....These solutions are provided by  Control Station Inc.:..Aceste solutii sunt oferite de Control Station Inc.:....


....represented  in Eastern Europe by Ludan Engineering SRL:..reprezentati in Europa de Est de Ludan Engineering SRL....


....The solutions include Plant ESP (Control Loop Performance Monitoring -CLPM-Suite), Loop-PRO (the top suite for loop tuning according to Control Magasine) and also the very popularPractical Process Control trening course. ..Printre solutii se numara Plant ESP (Monitorizarea Performantei Buclelor de Control - CLPM-Suite), Loop-PRO (suita de top pentru reglarea buclelor in conformitate cu Control Magasine) si, de asemenea cursul foarte popular “Practical Process Control”. ....

....Ludan Engineering has signed a Mutual Agreement with Control Station..Ludan Engineering a semnat un acord de colaborare cu Control Station....

....Starting with 1st of August 2016 LUDAN Engineering SRL Romania had the pleasure to become the European Region Solution Provider on behalf of Control Station, Inc. in terms of control loop performance monitoring solutions for proactively detecting production issues and optimizing overall plant-wide performance. ..Incepand cu data de 1 august 2016, LUDAN Engineering SRL Romania a avut placerea de a deveni Furnizor Regional in Europa al Control Station, Inc. in ceea ce priveste solutiile de monitorizarea performantelor buclelor de control pentru detectarea proactiva a problemelor de productie si optimizarea performantelor generale la nivelul intregii fabrici. ....

....Mr. Damien Munroe (Control Station, Inc. European Integration Sales & and Engineering Support) conducted an intensive training of our process control engineering and software departments at Ludan’s Bucharest Headquarter in August 2016 related to process optimization support. ..Domnul Damien Munroe (Control Station, Inc. European Integration Sales & and Engineering Support) a efectuat o instruire intensiva a departamentelor noastre de control procese si IT la sediul Ludan din Bucuresti in august 2016, avand ca tematica suportul pentru optimizare proceselor. ....

....The developed skills and training services provided by this training enable us to deliver services for the effective analysis and optimization of production and control systems. ..Abilitatile dezvoltate si serviciile de formare deprinse in cadrul acestor cursuri ne permit sa furnizam servicii privind analiza efectiva si optimizarea eficienta a sistemelor de productie si control. ....

....Maintenance management integrated systems (seminar)..Sistem integrat de management al mentenantei (seminar)....

....On the 2nd of June 2016 LUDAN Engineering SRL Romania, organized in Bucharest an event characterized of “Reducing the operating costs while implementing maintenance management integrated systems”. ..La data de 2 iunie 2016, LUDAN Engineering SRL Romania a organizat la Bucuresti un eveniment ce a avut catema "Reducerea costurilor de operare prin implementarea sistemelor integrate de management al mentenantei". ....

....The seminar was focused on operational activity features in terms of maintenance and repairing sectors such as follows:..Seminarul a fost axat pe caracteristicile activitatilor operationale in ceea ce priveste mentenanta si repararea sectoarelor precum:.... 

  • ....Maintenance Concept (Theoretical and Practical Aspects, Strategies and Developments, Presentation of Integrated Informatics Platform for Maintenance activities management)..Conceptul de mentenanta (aspecte teoretice si practice, strategii si evolutii, prezentarea platformei informatice integrate pentru managementul activitatilor de mentenanta)....
  • ....Case studies, Software & Hardware Live Demos. ..Studii de caz, Demo Live Software & Hardware. ....

....As a premiere for Romania, one of the worldwide best solutions in terms of optimizing operational costs was presented on a joint venture with our Canadian partner, Desmaint – MAINTelligence system. ..Ca premiera pentru Romania, una dintre cele mai bune solutii la nivel mondial in ceea ce priveste optimizarea costurilor operationale a fost prezentata in cadrul acestui eveniment printr-un joint venture cu partenerul nostru canadian Desmaint - MAINTelligence. ....

....MAINTelligence can be defined as an all-in-one condition monitoring and asset management platform used to track the equipment’s health and performance while collecting operational workflow management requirements. ..MAINTelligence poate fi definit ca o platforma all-in-one de monitorizare a conditiei activelor si de gestionare a acestora, utilizata pentru a urmari sanatatea si performanta echipamentelor in timp ce colecteaza informatiile necesare gestionarii fluxului de lucru operational. ....

....MAINTelligence acquires displays, analyzes and reports vital equipment information with the same accuracy. There is also support for vibration and lubricant analysis, inspection processing, thermography and motor monitoring. ..MAINTelligence colecteaza, afiseaza, analizeaza si raporteaza informatii vitale despre echipamente cu aceeasi precizie. Exista, de asemenea, suport pentru analizele de vibratii si lubrifiere, prelucrarea inspectiilor, termografiere si monitorizarea motorului. ....

....MAINTelligence platform accurately models the equipment structure and allows at the same time collection of data throughout the most viable and reliable condition monitoring acquisition devices currently existing. ..Platforma MAINelligence modeleaza cu precizie structura echipamentului si permite, in acelasi timp, colectarea datelor cu ajutorul celor mai viabile si fiabile dispozitive de monitorizare a conditiilor existente. ....